Sunday, February 15, 2015

Person of Interest (Profile/Layout)

I thought I'd share some of my layout and design work of late.  I've been really into the show called "Person of Interest".  If you haven't heard of it or seen it, go look it up!  It's a really, REALLY good show.

I have yet to add these profiles into my Subeta profile rotation, but I will soon!  I just need to code them, and add a couple of things, like my username.  Feel free to use these as references for your own profile work, but don't outright steal me :)  I am thinking of making some forum sets, too!


Sunset Castle (with horse)

So this was kind of an interesting one!

I was mostly making this photomanipulation because I liked the different background images I found.  Then I decided it needed a horse, so I added one.

Altogether this is about 8 different images combined to make this one.

Which do you prefer, with the horse or without?  Let me know in the comments!

Sunset Castle by plutoplus1 on DeviantArt

The Guard of the Castle by plutoplus1 on DeviantArt