Welcome to my blog! You probably found this because you looked at someone's blog who had a layout edited/designed by me. Thanks for being curious enough to find out more about my blog designs :)
Right now, I'm only making custom blogger layouts for people who are friends or family. You can feel free to request, but chances are I will not be making any customs for others I do not know.
However, occasionally I will be making blogs for others to use that are generic, so check back often. When I get bored with a layout I currently use, I tend to retire it into the public, so if you like one I'm using don't forget to come back and grab it for yourself when I retire it.
I appreciate all comments, even if they are to say you like so-and-so's blog I made. Constructive criticism, please, or your comment will be deleted.
Thank you!
~Heather (plutoplus1)